Fly, Fight, and Win

Fly, Fight, and Win

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Commander's Ranking

Before I get into the ways to improve your commander's ranking, I want to give some general advice.

Avoid Negativity

If you haven't already, at some point you'll hear people talk about "playing the game." Unfortunately, many people think to do well in ROTC, you have to "play the game." That is, you have to do something that you normally wouldn't do--or worse--become someone that you normally wouldn't be. Sucking up and brown nosing are often talked about as the only way to make it to the top. Let me tell you--this is NOT true.

I've found that a lot of negativity exists about ROTC. It is my belief that this type of negativity and criticism exists everywhere, in any organization. It's a disease. You must avoid this kind of mindset at all costs. Truly, ROTC is what you make of it. You will get out what you put in.

Personally, I believe in the ROTC program. I believe it is a great training program that can prepare you to lead in the Air Force.

So what does this have to do with the Commander's Ranking?

From the beginning of your ROTC career, you will hear discussion about "Commander's Ranking." Your commander's ranking refers to the rank among your AS class. Typically it is discussed in terms of which third you fall into. For example, if you were ranked 5th in a class of 12, you would fall in the middle third. While most commander's have a systematic way in which they rank cadets, this ranking is completely up to the commander.

So, why does it matter where you get ranked? Your commander's ranking is part of your Order of Merit. When you compete for a Field-Training slot, it is worth a whopping 50 percent of your score. Needless to say, it is extremely important. On the chart to the right, it is represented by the the large blue piece.
When you go to compete for a pilot slot, or any rated position, the commander's ranking is worth less--but still a lot; 20 percent, in fact. Again, this is represented by the blue section to the right.

Overall, your Commander's Ranking is very important. It makes up a large portion of your Order of Merit which--quite literally--determines if you get the job you want.  

So how do I get a good Commander's Ranking?

Here are some general guidelines to improving your CC ranking: 

1. Don't suck-up, or brown-nose--Officers and POC will see right through you
2. Get involved as much as possible (Drill Team, Color Guard, Arnold Air Society, socials, fund raisers, etc.)
3. Get good grades, and good PFA scores
4. Be genuinely concerned about the success of others
5. Most importantly--BE YOURSELF

I want to stress number 5 above: Be Yourself. Truly, there is nothing worse you can do than attempt to be somebody you're not. You'll find many cadets that try to put on a persona that they believe will impress the cadre. This is plain stupid. You have talents and abilities that nobody else has. And you cannot maintain a fake identity. You are the best in the world at being you. Yes, you are a student of leadership, and you must strive to improve daily. However, don't pretend to be someone you are not. This is the worst thing you can do.

Overall, your Commander's Ranking will take care of itself if you are striving to be yourself. Be humble, teachable, and don't ever pass up a good opportunity to shut up and listen. Just be steady, consistent, and not afraid to get out of your comfort zone. 

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