Fly, Fight, and Win

Fly, Fight, and Win

Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11th - A Reflection

September 11, 2001.

I'll never forget.

I was thirteen years old, in eighth grade, and was as careless as anybody else. That morning, I remember a sudden stir passed through the school, like an ever-increasing wave of anxiety. What was going on, I thought. Something must be wrong. My teacher picked up the phone, and after a short pause, hung up. She went directly to the television set and turned it on. The North Tower stood, surrounded by clouds of smoke. "An airplane has crashed into the World Trade Center."

9:03 AM

Suddenly, something happened. The murmurs in the classroom got quiet. " ... another airplane has hit the World Trade Center. ... this has to be deliberate."

That day changed my life. I'll never forget how I felt as I walked home, anxious to feel the comforting presence of my mom. We watched the news all day. She cried. I watched. I felt. The world was suddenly serious.

That day, I realized that there are people -- human beings -- who wanted to destroy me, my family, my country, my religion, and everything I care about. Terrorists, they're called. And the worst part is that they truly believe what they do is "righteous." They're as committed as we are.

Now, I wear the uniform as a defender of my Nation. September 11th set me on this path.

Next year, I will be going to Air Force Pilot Training, to learn how to kill terrorists. Do I want to kill? No. However, this nation needs men and women of moral integrity who are willing to do what needs to be done to protect our freedom. My family, my country, and my religion are so important to me that I will kill to protect them. And I will be good at it. This is my calling.

1 comment:

  1. I found this, and I lead the 9/11 Stair Climb at my Detachment on Wednesday. All I can think about is the next time this happens, I want to be ready to defend this country from hostile air threats.
